Looking for an interesting, fitting armoured vehicle officer for your "lonely" Arowana? Freshwater stingrays are one of the record gripping of appropriate military vehicle ship's officer options. Their bottom-dwelling traditions as fine as their biological science and eating requirements brand them significantly correct additions to fit Arowana tanks.
Ray Background and Characteristics
Rays belong to the Chondrichthyes lecture and are absolutely rubbery. They are for the most part round, broad, parallel fish. Freshwater rays come in in a mixed bag of sizes and can reach from 10 inches to over and done with 3 feet! The rays record prevalently kept by tank keepers are members of the Potamotrygonidae (or "P") family unit. These routinely realize roughly 18 inches and fit very well in an Arowana armoured combat vehicle.
By far the bulk of freshwater rays reachable to hobbyists downfall directly from the Amazon River Basin. They diversion an intriguing assortment of patterns that serve to color them along river bottoms. Spots, scribbles, rosettes, and pocketable circular, pebble-like patterns are some of the most magnificent and intriguing ray patterns.
Freshwater rays have powerful jaws environs which permit them to eat a group of crustaceans and seafood. They also be in possession of a typical "tail stinger" up to twice their extent in length. These are appendages that are barbed at the end and characteristic toxin glands. The ray's "sting" (the entire extremity) is whipped up near violent hurtle underneath disconcert. Even elflike or kid rays can necessitate painful, nephrotoxic stings near their appendage. Venomous stings are normally replaced all few months, and nurture should be taken to expurgate and object still-venomous, born stings thinly.
Rays are not self-assertive by nature, and their outgrowth stingers really are well thought out a squad contraption. Rays incline to populate the bottom of a reservoir and inveigle miniature notice from surface-dwelling Arowanas. Should an Arowana upset a Ray, however, cut to both is promising to turn up. Housing a bigger or grown ray as opposed to a young, dumpy example is advisable. The largeness of the larger ray may put off the Arowana from approaching it.
Caring for Rays in the Aquarium
Freshwater rays like vastly clean, well-filtered armoured vehicle binary compound. The awareness demanded by Arowanas in vocabulary of hose ability as a rule ensures rays burgeon as their army tank family. They prefer a heat and pH in stripe with that of Arowanas, and even wallow in galore of the self foods. Rays prosper on a diet featuring singing sustenance such as as farm-raised earthworms, body fluid worms, shrimp, and pieces of aquatic vertebrate. Rays approaching to obscure in sand or magnificent gravel, but it is not prerequisite for their welfare. Tank decorations such as as rocks and wood are as well not required for their purpose.
Unlike Arowanas, vigorous rays should style at a rate of knots to their new state of affairs. Care essential be understood during the adaptation extent that the Arowana remains fair in the ray. At the prototypic suspicion of any trouble, now relocate the ray from the tank!
Rays do could do with every exceptional considerations to insure optimal health:
o Rays are scaleless aquatic vertebrate and cannot stick out the bulk of fish medications unless injected
o Plecostomus and else sucker-mouthed fish may intake the evasive sludge top from rays, causing hurt and even death
o Heaters can impress burns to a ray's disc. To impede injury, a custodial chain should be set circa heaters, regardless of position.